Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Robin !

Most of the time I have spent at Endicott lately is trying to stay warm. Once I got all bundled up I was ready to go walk around since my first post. I am actually glad I went over the weekend to check out the park because I ended up getting sick this week :( I am sad and glad that the snow is melting, I love the snow and winter but for this blog project its going to better when the weather becomes warmer and more animals come out to play. This weekend as I walked around and looked for some creatures I found this little guy ...
An American Robin, which is very normal to see in any kind of park or even backyard. Since I was younger me and my grandfather would always bird watch in his backyard. This means bird will catch my eye more than anything this semester. These birds are very easy to identify with their blue/grey back and orange stomach. The one thing about the robin I have always liked is there eggs, more for their color which have a color named after them Robins Egg Blue.


  1. Great sighting. I seem to always be oblivious to my surroundings when I am outside. This is something this blog project and I in my own right have been working own. My wife often tells me to stop and smell the roses (sometimes even more bluntly than that). I have concrete in my blood, I am a city guy who seems, for no real reason, to always be in a rush. This causes me to miss so much like seeing a beautiful bird sitting so gently on a bush in the middle of a dreary winter day. Anyways... I digress. great blog and I look forward to seeing more of your bird sightings.

  2. Excellent post. I had forgotten what color their eggs were.

  3. Do robins migrate? Are the robins we have in summer the same ones we see in winter? And why are some of them so dark, almost brick-red, and others paler? Inquiring minds want to know, of course.
