Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Just another day at the park ..

As I roamed around the park I realized there is more gross showing then there is snow. I am sad to see the snow go but this means spring is on it's way ! 

The next thing I seemed to notice was the birds. They were everywhere and chirping non-stop and most of them were robins like I mention last week. Since It wasn't too cold out I went down to the place where the horses usually run around and to my surprise there was both a horse and two sheep!
They stared each other down for a minute before the horse walked away.

She was actually really calm and came right up to the fence just for a second before slowly walking away. Inside this fenced in area there was a little pond of water probably because of the melting snow but there were both ducks and geese swimming around. The geese were Canadian geese and there was a female and male Mallard which are wild ducks. The reason I knew it was one female and one male is because the male has a green head and a grey body while the female is mostly brown-speckled. I took a picture of them but it didn't come out clear enough to see them. I looked around for other organisms that would be more wild but could not find any. I think it is still too cold for most of the animals that run around the park.


  1. This spot is so cool i would love to see more anmials other than dogs and squirrels at my spot. That horse is pretty close to you they must be so used to people watching them and taking pictures all day long

  2. Ya there’s definitely more gross showing then there is snow. Jk I’m not one to talk I can’t spell for carp. I like what you got going on with the site. Horses and sheep are always cool animals to watch.

  3. This is really cool!! I love all the pictures you took you can tell you spent a long time in the field, next time you go see the horses you should bring an apple or something to see them eat out of your hand would be so cool.

  4. That sheep-horse standoff is hilarious!
