Thursday, February 14, 2013

My First Blog Post !

     The site I chose for my blog is a place in Danvers called Endicott Park. There were many reasons I decided to make this the site where I go to for a half hour each week. First would be that I have been there through out my childhood and bring my niece there all the time. Also it has a lot of animals and flowers around the park so there would be a variety to write about. Lastly I enjoy visiting Endicott in the spring and summer it is a beautiful place to walk around.

This is how the park looks when you first enter, right now it is covered in snow and does not look as nice as usual. As the blog goes on I hope to show how great this place really is.

This is the playground where I bring my niece's. The only thing wrong with this picture is that this playground is not what I grew up with. It used to be all wood and three times the size of those two pieces of material. It had a wooden car you could drive as well as a wooden house. This was my favorite playground when I was younger and sad they didn't keep it the same.

The picture below may not look like much but that is the area where people have picnics or events. Usually they have picnic tables ever where and the grass seems like it goes on forever. 

Those are just a few pictures of what I captured this week. I hope you enjoyed viewing them and there will be more to come later!


  1. A nice job giving your readers a sense of the place.
    Of course everything looks comparatively barren now versus in May, but this affords a good opportunity to focus closely on what IS active and observable this time of year. I suspect if you watch with an eye tuned for it, you will see birds, squirrels, some tracks in the snow, maybe some crusty old mushrooms or lichens hanging on somewhere. Look closely, and share what you see with the rest of us.

  2. When I was younger I used to play at this park too. I have some great memories. I have not been there in years, but it does not look like the same play ground at all! But I guess it doesn't look like much because of all the snow either. Thanks for sharing!

  3. What pretty pictures. I have never been to this park but after seeing this post i would like to check it out. love the picture that looks down the road.

  4. I love this! I just moved to the area a few years ago but i still never really know of any nice parks thats why i picked mine out of the way in wakefield but i never knew such a cute little park exsisted in danvers ill have to check it out maybe, it looks like they cleared some of the snow so atleast you can walk around or have the option to sit and read easily on a bench!

  5. Awesome pictures Jackie! I think some instragram filters would make them pop even more, especially with you trying to link it back to your child hood. I never have been to this park but you do a great job mixing words and pictures to create emotion throughout the blog. This seems like a great place to observe because I am sure it is full of plants, fungi, and animals. I look forward to this park coming back to life.

  6. This is a great park to watch July 4th Fireworks from.
