Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Just another day at the park ..

As I roamed around the park I realized there is more gross showing then there is snow. I am sad to see the snow go but this means spring is on it's way ! 

The next thing I seemed to notice was the birds. They were everywhere and chirping non-stop and most of them were robins like I mention last week. Since It wasn't too cold out I went down to the place where the horses usually run around and to my surprise there was both a horse and two sheep!
They stared each other down for a minute before the horse walked away.

She was actually really calm and came right up to the fence just for a second before slowly walking away. Inside this fenced in area there was a little pond of water probably because of the melting snow but there were both ducks and geese swimming around. The geese were Canadian geese and there was a female and male Mallard which are wild ducks. The reason I knew it was one female and one male is because the male has a green head and a grey body while the female is mostly brown-speckled. I took a picture of them but it didn't come out clear enough to see them. I looked around for other organisms that would be more wild but could not find any. I think it is still too cold for most of the animals that run around the park.